Seek clarity for growth

Jonathan Mills
2 min read2 days ago


Living a meaningful and fulfilled life is not so easy. The challenges of life hit like the waves of the ocean as one difficulty after another rolls in. Amidst such ongoing bombardment, it seems to be ever more challenging to pause long enough to reflect on daily choices and what we want to do with the precious moments we call life. Yet making time for such pauses to clarify who we are and what we are about is so important to our progress as human beings.

Bill Tammeus vividly described the power of such pauses in a December 1989 entry:

“There is a special moment when the waves foam in. It occurs at the instant that one wave has spent itself on the sand but, suspended, has not yet begun to be pulled back out to sea. For less than a second, the waters stop churning and, through their clearness, I can see the ground beneath, see the rocks, the shells, the sand. Sometimes I think that’s how much of a glimpse we are ever given of what is really going on in this life. We get a small clip of time as the forces that buffet us reach an occasional uneasy equilibrium. Then they retreat and the next wave smashes in and we lose that special momentary clarity. But while the clarity is there, while the action is suspended, calm, we should gather it in and store it deep within us so that when the next wave hits — and inevitably it will — we can keep our balance.”

When those moments of clarity arrive, we are able to see clearly the potential that lies within us. We are able, in these moments, to look beyond life’s broken shells and swirling adversities, and see the difference we can make in the lives of those around us. Dr Stephen R Covey (Everyday Greatness, Reader’s Digest) notes passionately: “Cherish and hold on to such moments. Keep them at the forefront of your mind, so that when the buffeting waves of trivia and busyness crash in upon you, you can keep your sights elevated and focused on your highest dreams.”

With clarity, we are able to become a transition person — a person who takes the negative or neutral that comes our way and turn it into something positive. Covey concludes: “See yourself as one who proactively searches out opportunities to make a meaningful contribution. As a person who not only fills his or her life with purpose, but helps others fill their lives with purpose as well. See yourself as a change catalyst. Commit yourself to becoming a light, not a judge; a model, not a critic.”

Originally published at on March 9, 2025.



Jonathan Mills
Jonathan Mills

Written by Jonathan Mills

Jonathan has spent over 30 years focusing his efforts on developing people throughout the world. He believes that people have the most impact when stretched.

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