Post COVID-19 — inclusivity
“Thinking collaboratively is not new. What is new is the increasing complexity of information flow in organisations that calls for high levels of engagement, innovation and collective problem-solving” (Bruce Wellman)
COVID-19 and its debilitating effects, not just on people’s health, wellness and state of mind all over the world, but also on economies, businesses and education, have been pervasive. The disease has left no-one untouched. It has crept in to the way we do simple things (like shopping or socialising) to more complex functions for some (like fighting for your life in the intensive care unit). Not all make it out of there alive. So many others have lost loved-ones and now have to go through this complexity with coping with a grieving process. This COVID-19 “dragon” is a powerful foe and we all have to fight it together.
Isn’t this the point though — we all have to fight it together? There is no one decision that a government can make that will kill off the disease. There is no cure-all medication that can be ingested that will stave off its approaches. There is no easy-fix to the waves of attacks that the world is facing. It requires everyone’s participation in being compliant with regulations responsibly, in being resolute and working on solving this crisis together.
Maybe this is a huge opportunity for government leaders, business leaders and citizens alike, to take this inclusive approach into a post COVID-19 future — an approach where selfishness is “banned” and decisions are made based on the principles of sustainability — sustainability holistically for people and planet. This is perhaps an opportunity to consider the construction of an inclusive economy. This is the opportunity to weave a tapestry that is inclusive of our diversity — a tapestry where everyone has their rightful places and contribute to the big picture. This is an opportunity to re-establish the principles of the dignity of the human being and treat people of all backgrounds accordingly. This is an opportunity to re-set the foundations of the pillars of society and ensure that we focus on care, compassion and love.
The temptation, of course, is to focus on how to make money during and after the pandemic. That, although necessary, should not be the foundation. Making money needs to be part of a bigger picture that is founded on respect for people as a whole.
We need an inclusive and holistic approach to create a meaningful post CODID-19 future. We can talk about projects for re-establishing economies, but these, again, will not be sustainable if we don’t include the construction of strong foundations embedded in the principles of human dignity.
Originally published at on April 19, 2020.